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BWC Alternative Rating Program Administration


The BWC's Deductible Program can help employers lower their premiums by offering an upfront premium discount in exchange for the employer assuming an elected per claim deductible. The discount offered is designed to encourage Ohio employers to focus on workplace health and safety. Doing so effectively will reduce injuries and illness, and thereby most likely result in a winning scenario for the employer (lower premium, fewer injuries). However, employers who ignore dedicating efforts at injury prevention can see payment of deductibles exceeding the initial savings and resulting in increased premium payments to BWC.


Employers who have previously enjoyed group rating discounts and no longer qualify may want to look at the BWC’s EM Cap Program. Employers who qualify will see their non-discounted premium increases capped at 200% - or no more than a doubling of their Experience Modification Rate (EMR) from one year to the next. In exchange, the employer is expected to complete the BWC’s 10 Step Business Plan during the period in which they are provided savings through the EM Cap Program.


The BWC’s $15,000 Medical-Only Program provides employers the opportunity to pay up to $15,000 in medical costs for all of their medical-only claims. Doing so can be advantageous to employers currently participating in a group rating program by keeping their claim losses at a minimum. It may also make sense for those employers on the verge of group qualification. There are distinct advantages and disadvantages to the program however – employers are best served if they discuss their individual situation in depth with their workers’ compensation risk management partners.


National studies have indicated that nearly half of all workplace accidents are drug or alcohol related. Yet many employers never realize the severity of the problem, as they have no formal awareness, prevention or testing programs in place. Recognizing this, the BWC’s Drug-Free Safety Program (DFSP) is designed to provide premium discount incentives to employers who are willing to implement a formal plan addressing substance abuse and its consequences for their employees.


Often times, employers who have implemented effective injury prevention strategies still find that one uncharacteristic claim can impact their eligibility for group rating program participation. The BWC’s One Claim Program (OCP) can assist those employers with minimal claims lessen the financial impact that can result from the costs of a single significant claim. Eligible employers can see a 20% discount off the base rate – and this despite not qualifying for ongoing group rating participation.

Employers who are interested in any of these programs are encouraged to review the eligibility and ongoing qualification rules provided on the BWC’s website.
Please visit BWC Employer Programs

For a spreadsheet detailing the benefits and minimum requirements of various BWC programs, as well as those programs which are compatible for multiple premium discount opportunities, please see the link below.
BWC Employer Program Compatibility Chart